Friday 25 December 2020

Winter Blessings and Beauties, Day 54: Star of Guidance, Star of Hope


The Star from The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck

I managed to see Jupiter and Saturn close together in the sky this evening. It's been so cloudy for the last week or so that it wasn't possible to view them come together in the Great Conjunction on the evening of the Winter Solstice, but I finally saw the two planets together, low on the horizon after sunset. They have moved a little way apart from each other now, but they're still very close. 

Seeing this phenomenon on Christmas Eve started me thinking about the story of the three wise men and the star that led them on their journey. It has been suggested that the star they were following may actually have been a Great Conjunction

Stars are often used as symbols of hope, small sparks of light in the darkness, holding out the promise of guidance and illumination. How does this symbol manifest in your life? 

Winter Blessings and Beauties - Day 54

Star of Guidance, Star of Hope

  • What is your guiding star, your light in the darkness? In times of confusion and difficulty, what is the hope that keeps you going? What beliefs or practices help you to persevere?
  • Who are your 'Wise Men'? Who has taught you or given you wise counsel when you've needed it? Who has appeared in your life and inspired you? Who has used their own life experience and wisdom to show you the way?
  • What gifts do you have to give as a result of the guidance and wisdom that has been given to you? What can you 'pay forward' to others?     

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