Wednesday 16 December 2020

Winter Blessings and Beauties, Day 46: Hibernation and Sleep

I fell down on the job yesterday. After a busy day at work - I currently work in retail, and the lead-up to Christmas is our busiest time - I came home, ate my dinner... and promptly fell asleep on the sofa. I woke a couple of times, thinking "I really must write today's blogpost!" but each time I just went straight back to sleep. Eventually I admitted defeat and went up to bed. I was so tired I couldn't form a coherent thought, never mind write anything.

Today - a day off - I managed to catch up and write yesterday's post on the Mari Lwyd. And I also spent some time thinking about hibernation, and our sleep requirements in Winter.

The fact is, many of us do feel sleepier in Winter. Feelings of needing more sleep at this time of year are largely driven by our bodies' reaction to lower light levels. The combination of shorter day length and spending more time indoors means our exposure to natural light is decreased. This lower light intensity signals to our bodies that it's time to prepare for sleep, leading to increased levels of sleepiness. 

However, sleep experts say we don't need more than 7-9 hours of sleep a night, and what is more important is to make sure we have good quality of sleep. We can do that by maintaining consistent sleeping/waking times, getting regular exercise - preferably outside in daylight - and keeping light levels low before bedtime. 

Winter Blessings and Beauties, Day 46:

Hibernation and Sleep

Pay attention to your sleep requirements in the winter. Get more sleep if your body needs it - but don't overdo it. Aim for 7-9 hours per night. Practice good sleep hygiene. Make it part of your self-care routine. 

1 comment:

Elderberry-Rob said...

I know that feeling where you are just so tired everything has to go on hold until the next day :) Hope you are now refreshed. I think we set ourselves such huge targets and beat ourselves up often when we fail. I am currently not at work due to anxiety/stress and in just a few days of being home I am realising how much I get through, the laundry, cooking, gym, housework before doing the 8 hours late shift, then clearing up the dinner things, putting clothes out for the next day etc., whizzing through ironing of mens shirts., it all seems too fast and I am not going to go at that pace any more - we have to nurture ourselves sometimes.