Sunday 6 December 2020

Winter Blessings and Beauties, Day 36: Frost

This morning I awake to a world so white that at first I think it has snowed in the night, but it is just a hard frost. In the early light every surface glitters, each brilliant white-haloed edge outlined by a fur of ice crystals.  

Bare black limbs of trees stand out sharply against the hazy fields.   

The grass that in summer was scattered with daisies is now strewn with coppered leaves.

Across the valley, the world slowly re-emerges from mist like the memory of a forgotten dream.

Frost renders the everyday world magical, even a simple fallen leaf in the grass catches the eye with its beauty.  

Hail and welcome, Jack Frost!

Winter Blessings and Beauties: Day 36


On frosty mornings, make time - even just a couple of minutes - to appreciate the beauty of the frozen landscape, and how something as simple as frost can bring enchantment to the world. We live in a beautiful world, if we just choose to see it. 

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