I am going to be away visiting friends in Essex for Samhain itself (sadly missing the Carmarthenshire Pagan Community ritual as a result), yet it just wouldn't be right not to have an altar dedicated to my Beloved Dead at this time of year. A bit like not having Christmas decorations I suppose!
I wrote last year about the form my personal Samhain ritual normally takes, so I won't repeat myself. But I will suggest you take a look at this video, of the Bay Area Reclaiming community's Samhain Spiral Dance ritual. This event has been held annually since 1979, and now attracts hundreds of participants (including this year, my friends Georgia, Anne-Marie & Will). I just can't imagine attending a ritual that big - the energy must be amazing. Perhaps one day I shall be able to attend. Or perhaps one day, there will be a Spiral Dance in the UK. Oh well, I can dream...
Samhain Blessings to you.
Wow! I am so glad that I clicked through This Guy to find you! Your blog rocks and I am completely in love with your altar.
I am celebrating the cheesy Halloween element and am hoping also to get some spiritual time in too. I have a lot to let go of this year. I hope you have a fantastic Samhain!
Your alter is fantastic, and I really enjoyed the spiral dance, it must be amazing to be part of that. xxx Pixie xxx
I love your alter. I've considered myself a pagan since I was in my late teens (now in my late 30's,) but as my husbaand is a lapsed Catholic we decided to let our children find their own spiritual path. I find it very hard at Samhain, for some reason, not to talk it all out with my kids - they are 8 and 4. Maybe I should, rather then feeling like the pagan part of me is in the closet.
I think your alter is beautiful and what a lovely ritual. I lost my beloved father in law to lung cancer in August, thankfully I was able to spend sometime with him just before he died, often not speaking but just holding hands it was but a small gesture yet meant a great deal to both of us. It was especially hard for my OH but I think he is coming to terms with it now. It has been a sad year in many ways as we have lost a dear neighbour to a brain tumor. So full of happiness and plans when he retired in April and diagnosed with the tumor in May and sadly lost his battle for life in September.... life is very hard at times. I also miss my Dad very much, he died on December 12th 1991so will be coming up to that Anniversary very soon. I hold a lot of unshed tears inside... I am that sort of person, be strong for everyone else. Its not good though and it is quite harmful one needs to let the pain out... so I think I need my own Samhain ritual to release my internal emotions. Enough said.. sorry if I have rambled.
The Spiral Dance looks very exciting and I wish I could take part... like you moonroot a girl can dream!
Samhain Blessing to you!!
Jane xxx
Fabulous concentration of Samhain-ness, very orange with the pumpkin and flames! A bit like Aromatic, I will be remembering my mum who was killed by ovarian cancer in 2003.
But I'll also remember that this is the Scorpio time the season of death and regeneration.
a blessed samhain to you Moonroot
leanne x
Blessings to you this Samhain and I hope you have a wonderful time with your friends!
I hope you have a wonderful Samhain where ever you celebrate it and here's hoping for a better Year to come.
One of these days I also hope to get to Spiral Dance, I have an open invite from Sunny!
samhain blessings to you
your alter is so gorgeous :)
Wow what an amazing Alter my dear! :)
Wow, the energy at the Spiral Dance ritual must be out of this world! Wish I could be there! :)
Have a blessed day! :)
Bret xoxo
Such a beautiful Samhain altar. Samhain is one of my favourite festivals, (except that we celebrate it at the opposite end of the year to you Northern dwellers).
I adore the little skull candles on your altar. So pretty and so very appropriate. Unfortunately Halloween here falls on the same bloody day as Beltane - so Beltane wins (as its seasonally appropriate). I do miss a good English Halloween though.
Oh and I've tagged you in a meme over at my place. Looking forward to reading your answers...X
I have been "lurking" the past few days, just reading past entries. I found your blog when I saw the link under April's blogger profile.
I love your Samhain altar!
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