Tuesday 26 January 2021

Winter Blessings and Beauties, Day 87: The Dance of the Changing Seasons

Have you noticed the way Winter is starting to retreat a little - then it comes roaring back in full force, only to recede again later? We seem to be at that stage in the season where Spring is waiting in the wings and Winter is giving consideration to when it will be time to retire for a well-earned rest.

For the last few days here, Winter has been in full force with a heavy fall of snow and sub-zero temperatures. But today a thaw has set in, and we are due a few days of mild weather before wintry conditions return at the weekend. Meanwhile, the first snowdrops are appearing and daffodils and other bulbs are poking up their green snouts from the frozen ground. In the hedge, catkins are preparing to fully unfurl so they can dance in the wind.

Winter Blessings and Beauties: Day 87

The Dance of the Changing Seasons

Notice the graceful to-and-fro dance of the seasons at this time of year. Each year the exact steps are different, and yet the dance is the same: a solemn shifting back and forth between Winter and Spring. One day one is dominant, the next day the other. And yet gradually the balance is shifting towards Spring. Can you feel it?

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