I'm feeling a strange mixture of resignation and mild hysteria! The weight of responsibility is still palpable, but at least I feel I can do no more right now.
I'm now focussing on looking forward to a week in one of my favourite places with some of my favourite people. And also meeting lots of new faces! I'm just hoping everyone has a fun time and the weather is kind. It's not too much to hope for is it?
By this time next week I will know if it was worth all the nailbiting.
Wish us luck!
P.S. I look forward to catching up with all my friends in blog land when I get back. Sorry I've been neglecting you all but it's been pretty intense.
My good and strong wishes are with you....for a good gathering, for you to come away with a big smile on your face and for you to FEEL PROUD of the incredible organizing you did around this. lots of love coming towards you from the shores of the Pacific...say hello to chalice well for me, okay?
I salute you! And I hope the people attending the gathering remember how much hard work it takes to put something like that together.
Hope you have a fantastic week! Can't wait to hear the report!
ooo GOOD LUCK and much fun!
have a wonderful time!!
All the very best! I know it will go well...
Hi, I found your blog while searching for celtic/herbal lore. Love it! Love that I have found a few blogs with similar interests to mine - can't wait to read more when you return
Oh enjoy. I am proud of you for organizing this all. I can't wait to read about it and see photos.
soooo how was it?
Thanks so much to all of you for your support! I'm back and still processing what has been a very intense and amazing week - at times very difficult and at others sublime! Have written a little so far and no doubt will rattle on about it a bit more as it all filters through my subconscious. you have been warned!!
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