Thursday, 17 December 2020

Winter Blessings and Beauties, Day 47: Halfway Through Winter

 Sign and photo by Lonely Signpost

Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and girls! [drum roll]
It gives me great pleasure to announce... we are now halfway through Winter!

Can you believe it? Already we are halfway between Samhain and Imbolc. We perch on the brink of the Winter Solstice, ready for the day of peak darkness - inevitably followed by the slow but irreversible journey back to the light half of the year.

Winter Blessings and Beauties - Day 47

Halfway Through Winter

Now, half way through the Winter days, is a good time to stop and take stock. How has your experience of Winter been so far? What has been good? What has been bad? How could you make it better? What have you been meaning to do that you haven't yet got around to? What favourite old Winter activities and customs have you enjoyed? What surprising discoveries have you made? 

There are only another 47 days until Imbolc, when the light will be returning, and snowdrops will be nosing up out of the earth. How will you use those days to enjoy the rest of the Winter?


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