Friday, 1 May 2009

Soak or Splash?

There is an old English saying, which supposedly forecasts the rainfall that can be expected for the coming summer:

'If the oak comes out before the ash, then you may expect a splash; if the ash comes out before the oak, then you may expect a soak'.

I've noticed in previous years that the oak always seems to pip the ash to the post, so I'm not sure how useful the saying is in matters of meteorology. However, I have also noticed the last two summers that it was a pretty close run thing. And the last two summers were frankly dismal, with plenty of soaking going on.

This year however, the oak at the top of the hill is well and truly flaunting its new leaves...

While the ash next to it is still hesitating in a tight-budded way...

I'm now feeling a little more hopeful that this year we will have some fine summer weather to enjoy. With just the odd splash.


  1. lets hope its just the odd refreshing splash!

  2. Oh lets hope so!

  3. We had snow yesterday. What does that say about our summer - if we have any at all..

  4. Your post has really cheered me up! I've just taken on an allotment, so the need for rain has taken on a new meaning for me, however, I'd rather have a splash than a soak, so thank you!

    Blessings, Andy

  5. I hope this does mean a good summer - I will confess to being a bit fed up of rusting :-)

  6. Also! Increased sunspot activity is corelated with hotter season, and the sun has lots of sun spots at the moment!
