Wednesday, 29 April 2009


No Impact Man has posted on his blog today about the companies who have been knowingly lying and deliberately misleading the public about the reality of global warming in an attempt to (presumably) safeguard their profits - at the expense of the entire planet. I am almost speechless with anger that anyone could be so unbelieveably, selfishly irresponsible. Please read the article here:

And spread it around - far and wide! Let the world know about the lies. Show these companies and their decision-makers for the soulless Earth-raping greedy misers they are.



  1. Ugh. That's so insane. Money before the life of the planet. Just wrong.

  2. their salaries are more important than our planet~its disgusting, i have e-mail the link but i will also put a link on my blog too~spread the world

  3. I have to say that when I see someone trotting out as "proof" a document that is 12 years old, and as such was written long before the current amount of scientific research on global warming was done, I am a bit skeptical. Can you honestly say your beliefs have not changed on anything in the past 12 years? I certainly can't. I believe we should respect the earth (and each other) and be very, very wary about some of the sensationalism we see in the popular press. Just remember, the news media isn't here to inform us or even to be unbiased and truthful. They are in business to make money, in exactly the same way as the petroleum companies and the chemical companies etc...

  4. ...and that's just the American ones. What about the British ones? That the police are acting even pre-emptively to stop protest will add to the venality, greed and stupidity of these vermin.

    That they are dim enough not to realise that if the world overheats and is a wreck - they too will suffer would be unbelievable if they were any other species but ours.
